## ODonnellWeb – Tag Blogs

You Don't Need a Now Page

Posted on 06/29/2024 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Blogs

Delete your Now page. It's out of date, and it's pointless

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On Subscriptions

Posted on 11/05/2023 in misc • Tagged with Blogs, Economics, Internet, Personal

The subscription economy is not cheap

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386,998 Words

Posted on 10/28/2023 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

I could have written a novel or 5 by now.

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The State of Social Media 2023

Posted on 10/10/2023 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Blogs

It's fascists all the way down

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The Return of Personal Blogging

Posted on 01/08/2023 in misc • Tagged with Personal, Blogs, Birds

The return of personal blogging. Again.

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Maybe we need more friction

Posted on 02/03/2022 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Twitter, Blogs

The ease of clicking reply and saying something rude or stupid is going to cause a war soon, if it hasn’t already.

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Where are the good camping blogs?

Posted on 08/03/2020 in misc • Tagged with Camping, Blogs

I just spent 30 minutes clicking through several "Top 20 camping blogs you must be reading now" articles. Do you know what I found?

A bunch of SEO optimized, glossy online magazines with all the soul of a piece of white bread. It was all "Top 15 places to stay …

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The world needs blogs again

Posted on 05/20/2020 in misc • Tagged with Coronavirus, Internet, Blogs

Like everybody else, the pandemic is "top of mind" 24 x 7 for me. I'm writing to help myself not internalize all of it. You can find other posts in the series at https://odonnellweb.com/pelican/tag/coronavirus.html

This is a really great point

Nowadays especially it's nice …

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Blog Discovery is Broken

Posted on 02/02/2019 in misc • Tagged with Blogs

Back in peak blog we had blog specific search engines, and Google tended to rate blogs very highly. For a few years anything I wrote would be on the first page of Google within hours. I once mentioned Britney Spears in a blog post, which combined with the "Disappointing people …

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The Blogroll is back

Posted on 01/29/2019 in misc • Tagged with Blogs, Internet

Inspired by this post from Jason Kenny, whose old site is on the blogroll, I pulled my old blogroll from a 2005 version of the blog and pasted it below. I have no idea how many of the links still work. I definitely see a handful that I still visit …

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31 Days 31 blog posts

Posted on 01/01/2019 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

So I actually managed to push a blog post every day in December. And by every day I mean there is a post dated for each day of the month. I actually wrote ahead by a day or two for much of the month. I'm sure you are wondering what …

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23 years of blogging

Posted on 12/31/2018 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

I started this silly little site on 12-31-1995. It's older than my daughter, by about a month. I'm not going to repeat the full origin story. Hit that previous link if you don't know the story.

The 31 post December makes this my most productive year of blogging in many …

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Bring Back the Blogs

Posted on 12/20/2018 in misc • Tagged with Facebook, Blogs

We Should Replace Facebook with Personal Websites

I've been saying this for a while now.

2012 - Own Your Words
2012 - Social Media Blues
2013 - Blogs Are Not Dead
2014 - Blogs Are Back
2016 - There Are No Christmas Card Friends on facebook
2018 - Social Media Still Sucks

So welcome to the …

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Fake Instagram Influencers

Posted on 12/19/2018 in misc • Tagged with Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Way back in the day when blogs ruled the Internet getting admitted to the BlogAds network was kind of a big deal. It meant that you could start to make some cash from ads on your blog, and it meant your blog mattered at some level since advertisers were willing …

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31 Day Blogging Challenge 2018

Posted on 12/01/2018 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet, Blogs

31 Day blogging challenge logo

Blame Andrea for this - she tweeted about it and 31 posts in a row might be what it takes for me to hit my 1 post a week goal for the year.

I'm kidding about that, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 blog posts for the year, so …

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3 Reasons to Blog More Often in 2018

Posted on 01/02/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Blogs

2017 In A Picture

At this point anybody that is paying attention is probably sick of "Why Social Media Sucks" articles." However, if we just keep doing social media the same way and don't change, things won't get better. I'm not under any illusion that anything I personally do here is going to have …

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Personal Blogs are hard when you have no life

Posted on 07/02/2017 in misc • Tagged with Personal, Books, Blogs


Back when I had young kids I had more blog fodder than I knew what to do with. These days, the kids are adults, and I work from home all day. There are weeks that I get to Wednesday or Thursday without putting shoes on. I'm not complaining. I'm fine …

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There are no Christmas Card friends on Facebook

Posted on 12/29/2016 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Blogs, Christmas


Back before the Internet, many of us sent out lots of Christmas cards every year. For many people on your Christmas card list, it was the only contact you would have with that person every year. Long distance phone calls were stupid expensive back then. So once a year you …

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Writing About Not Writing

Posted on 04/20/2016 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet, Blogs

Header photo
via Flickr

My buddy Hart Brachen just came back to daily writing after taking a year off from the Internet. Of course, he was returning from the award winning cartoon blog Soxaholix. I don’t have quite that kind of track record. However, I have written at least weekly more …

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Would You Miss My Blog Archives?

Posted on 12/28/2014 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

I'm thinking about taking the archives down

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