## ODonnellWeb – About / Contact

About / Contact


About Chris O'Donnell

I grew up as an USAF brat and thus never had a hometown growing up. I did get to live some cool places as a kid though, like Germany and Spain. I graduated high school in the Marshall Islands. I've been in Virginia since 1998 so I guess this is home now. I pay the bills as a sales engineer for Drupal and CIAM projects. When not working I'm probably camping, beaching, birding, or at a game (baseball or soccer).

About O'DonnellWeb

O'DonnellWeb was launched on 12/31/1995. That makes it one of the longest continuously running personal websites on the Internet. I even wrote fairly regular updates and essays back then. Thankfully, none of that really early content survived my various server moves. The site is created with the Pelican Static Site Generator, because HTML files never need security updates.

At one time there were over 5000 posts here. Currently it's well less than 1000. Before we had Twitter I used this site like my own personal Twitter, updating with short "Hey check this out" links multiple times per day. (I probably should have invented Twitter 5 years before Jack.) Most of those links were dead, so I deleted the lot. Likewise, for several years my delicio.us links auto posted here once a day. I blew those away too. Add in all the other posts with dead links and probably a few things I regretted writing, and here we are.


Email Me: chris@odonnellweb.com