You Don't Need a Now Page

Posted on 06/29/2024 in misc

I added a /Now page to this blog back in January. I deleted it when I uploaded this post. Unless you are going to update weekly, it's probably going to be out of date. I've written 20 or so blog posts since I published my now page in January. If you want to know what interests me right now, read the blog!

Also, this idea that every blog should have this collection of same named pages sounds a lot like Facebook. The indie web should be messy and chaotic. It's bad enough that millions and millions of WordPress sites all share a very similar information architecture. As a practical matter, a category called "now"" might be a better place to write about what interests you now. Pages in a blog are generally relatively static info. If you overwrite your now page weekly/monthly/annually you lose that look back at what interested you in the past.

And finally, if your self-proclaimed interests on the now page are not represented in your up to date content, what does that say? Maybe your interests changed, which is normal and expected. Or maybe the now page was performative and not really indicative of how you spend your time.

I don't see the point, so mine is gone. You do you.

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I like hearing from readers, all three of you! Nobody comments on blogs anymore, and I'd rather not use Facebook or Twitter as a comment system so it's back to the email.