## ODonnellWeb – Tag Site-News

28 years of words

Posted on 12/31/2023 in misc • Tagged with Personal, Site-News

A thousand monkeys with typewriters might have done better

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386,998 Words

Posted on 10/28/2023 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

I could have written a novel or 5 by now.

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27 years of posting words on the WWW

Posted on 12/31/2022 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Personal

We survived another year of the “post” pandemic hellscape

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Comments are back

Posted on 05/01/2022 in misc • Tagged with Site-News

ODonnellWeb has comments again!

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2021 Was Certainly a Year

Posted on 12/31/2021 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Personal

We did it. We survived another year in a pandemic.

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My blog is eligible for lower car insurance rates

Posted on 12/31/2020 in misc • Tagged with Site-News

I've really been doing this for 25 years?

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New book page

Posted on 01/22/2020 in misc • Tagged with Books, Site-News

If you look in the left column you'll see a new link to 2020 Books. Posting book reviews allows me to feel like I wrote something, without really writing. I'll still post book reviews when I read something particularly interesting, but otherwise I'll put the reviews on the review page …

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New Year New Server

Posted on 01/12/2019 in misc • Tagged with Site-News

My web host got bought out by a large hosting company that I don't want to deal with. So I get to migrate to a new host. This is made infinitely easier by the fact that this site is just a collection of HTML files and images. Yay for not …

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31 Days 31 blog posts

Posted on 01/01/2019 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

So I actually managed to push a blog post every day in December. And by every day I mean there is a post dated for each day of the month. I actually wrote ahead by a day or two for much of the month. I'm sure you are wondering what …

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23 years of blogging

Posted on 12/31/2018 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

I started this silly little site on 12-31-1995. It's older than my daughter, by about a month. I'm not going to repeat the full origin story. Hit that previous link if you don't know the story.

The 31 post December makes this my most productive year of blogging in many …

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31 Day Blogging Challenge 2018

Posted on 12/01/2018 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet, Blogs

31 Day blogging challenge logo

Blame Andrea for this - she tweeted about it and 31 posts in a row might be what it takes for me to hit my 1 post a week goal for the year.

I'm kidding about that, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 blog posts for the year, so …

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Blogging For 22 Years

Posted on 12/28/2017 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet, Personal

2017 In A Picture

This site went online on 12/31/1995, so it's going to be 22 years old. Like most things as they grow up, they get more risk averse, and let's just be honest here, more boring. However, 2017 seems to have been much busier than 2016.

Posts in 2016 - 37 …

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ODonnellWeb is old enough to drink

Posted on 12/31/2016 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet, Politics

2016 Stats https://flic.kr/p/7Er6f4

ODonnellWeb is old enough to drink! And after the shit show of a year that was 2016, it’s going to need to drink heavily as it kicks 2016 in the ass on its way out. No wait, that might be me I’m talking about there. (Actually we are …

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Looking Ahead to 2017

Posted on 12/26/2016 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet, Politics

Dumpster Fire https://flic.kr/p/7Er6f4

I’ve been trying to figure out what to say about 2016 for a couple of weeks now, and I’ve decided maybe it’s best if we just never speak of it again. So onward to 2017. It has to be better, right?


OK, maybe one last thought …

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Writing About Not Writing

Posted on 04/20/2016 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet, Blogs

Header photo
via Flickr

My buddy Hart Brachen just came back to daily writing after taking a year off from the Internet. Of course, he was returning from the award winning cartoon blog Soxaholix. I don’t have quite that kind of track record. However, I have written at least weekly more …

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ODonnellWeb is 20

Posted on 12/31/2015 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Internet

It was a cold and windy one, that night of Dec 31, 1995. OK, actually I have no idea if it was cold or windy. We lived in GA so it was probably humid and mild. What I do remember is that my wife was 7+ months pregnant with our …

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Would You Miss My Blog Archives?

Posted on 12/28/2014 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Blogs

I'm thinking about taking the archives down

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ODonnellWeb 2015.1

Posted on 12/15/2014 in misc • Tagged with Site-News

I've changed CMS' again

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10 things about ODonnellWeb

Posted on 06/24/2014 in misc • Tagged with Site-News, Personal, Blogs

10 random things about this website

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ODonnellWeb is old enough to vote

Posted on 12/31/2013 in misc • Tagged with Site-news

I've been writing here for 18 years

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