My blog is eligible for lower car insurance rates

Posted on 12/31/2020 in misc

I launched my first website, called O'DonnellWeb even back then, on 31 December, 1995. I won't repeat the origin story, click through if you are not familiar and care enough to read it.

And 25 years later here we are. My blog can now get lower car insurance rates, and is dealing with a constant barrage of questions about why it hasn't settled down with a nice girl yet.

2020 sucked for sure, but amid all the suck we managed to find a way to enjoy life. It's the ensuing lesson of my wife's cancer in 2016. Life isn't a dress rehearsal for something else. Live in the now, or risk missing the chance as you aren't getting a do-over. We are living in the now, although we are doing it while masked, and while maintaining a safe distance from other people.

On 12/31/2019 I posted on Facebook:

2019 was a pretty damn good year for me personally, and 2020 looks like it might be even better. I'm kicking ass in spite of the racist dofus in the White House. Easier for me as a white dude but I hope all my friends are also able to thrive in 2020.

So I won't be making that mistake again! I expect we will spend most of our 2021 leisure time camping at a safe distance from other humans, and we are hopeful that by Fall of 2021 some semblance of normalcy will start returning to life. Expecting anybody to thrive in 2021 may be a big ask, so I'll settle with hoping everybody* survives to see normal life return.

*Not really everybody. Some people can die in a fire, and I'll volunteer to light the match.

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