ODonnellWeb is old enough to vote

Posted on 12/31/2013 in misc

On New Year's Eve 1995 my wife was 7 months pregnant with our second child. We weren't going out to party. In fact, she went to bed early, leaving me alone with a computer and a bunch of homebrew. For some reason, I decided I wanted to get a web site online in 1995. Starting with nothing more than Notepad and "View Source" on a few commercial sites such as IBM.com, I managed to hack together a simple one page site and upload it to my ISP webspace before midnight. It would be about 3 AM before I figured out the CHMOD command and made the page world readable, but it was there before midnight!

And here I am 18 years later, composing this update in Nano while SSH'ed into a web server. I've come a long way :)

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