386,998 Words

Posted on 10/28/2023 in misc

There are 386,998 words in the directory containing my blog posts, or about 4-5 novels.

I made pretty good advertising money back in peak blog, so there is a strong argument I made more blogging than if I had self-published 4 or 5 novels.

But "I've published 5 novels" has a ring to it that you just don't get from "I've published 5 novels worth of blog posts."

I've spent a lot of time over the last 20+ years writing a lot of words that were read by not many people.

My high school English teachers would probably be impressed by the quantity, at least. The quality, not so much. The quantity of typos would kill them though.

There is no real point to this post. I just suddenly wondered what my word output was. I have never tried to calculate this before. It's super easy on Linux, one simple command. It turns out it is greater than I expected. I was thinking maybe two novels of words, not five.

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