## ODonnellWeb – Tag Facebook

The State of Social Media 2023

Posted on 10/10/2023 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Blogs

It's fascists all the way down

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Is it time to quit Twitter

Posted on 10/23/2022 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Twitter, Facebook

Is it time to quit Twitter?

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Cutting back on Social Media 2022 Edition

Posted on 01/05/2022 in misc • Tagged with Facebook, LinkedIn, Internet, Personal

It's time to be less plugged in

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AirFaceLyft All Suck - A Rant

Posted on 11/01/2019 in misc • Tagged with Technology, Facebook, Google

It's been a while since I posted a 2006 blog style rant. It's probably full of 2006 blog style typos too. Enjoy.

Facebook: Do I even need to go here?

Google: Dropped the “Do No Evil” schtick years ago.

Apple: Uses Chinese prison labor to make $1000 status symbols

AirBnB …

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How To Do Nothing

Posted on 08/25/2019 in misc • Tagged with Books, Facebook, Twitter, Internet

How to Do Nothing book cover

Book Review: How to Do nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell

I get the feeling that her publisher titled the book, as “How to do nothing” is not a descriptive title. I was expecting a how-to book more along the lines of Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. Instead …

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Amazon is tracking us offline

Posted on 08/11/2019 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Privacy, Amazon, Facebook

It's not paranoia if they really are watching you.

Yesterday I bought this plumbing part at Lowe's. I did not search for it online, watch a YouTube video or in any way disclose online that I had a need related to plumbing repair. It's a $7 part and I knew …

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Less Internet Leads to More Happy

Posted on 06/03/2019 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Amazon, Facebook

I read an article over the weekend about how the overwhelming number of choices you get when using Amazon and other sites is causing people to turn away from those sites. I just spent 15 minutes trying to find that article again and I can’t. So maybe I dreamed …

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Bye Bye Baseball Cards

Posted on 03/31/2019 in misc • Tagged with Facebook, Life, Baseball

Fred Lynn baseball card

A couple of years ago I occupied myself while Michelle was recovering from cancer treatment by finally organizing the 5000 odd baseball cards I had in boxes in the closet. At the time I thought I was just making use of the downtime to downsize a bit since we were …

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Facebook is Finally Dead To Me

Posted on 03/25/2019 in misc • Tagged with Facebook

Sometime in the last week or so Facebook has killed the one feature I rely on to use it. As I've documented here previously, I unfollowed everybody on Facebook a couple of years ago. It renders my Facebook wall useless. Many days the only updates on my wall are a …

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Bring Back the Blogs

Posted on 12/20/2018 in misc • Tagged with Facebook, Blogs

We Should Replace Facebook with Personal Websites

I've been saying this for a while now.

2012 - Own Your Words
2012 - Social Media Blues
2013 - Blogs Are Not Dead
2014 - Blogs Are Back
2016 - There Are No Christmas Card Friends on facebook
2018 - Social Media Still Sucks

So welcome to the …

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Fake Instagram Influencers

Posted on 12/19/2018 in misc • Tagged with Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Way back in the day when blogs ruled the Internet getting admitted to the BlogAds network was kind of a big deal. It meant that you could start to make some cash from ads on your blog, and it meant your blog mattered at some level since advertisers were willing …

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50 Friends Sounds About Right

Posted on 12/07/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook

Facebook icon

As I've discussed previously, I found a happy medium with Facebook by reducing my friend count from about 500 to 225, and then unfollowing every one of them except my wife and kids. (They might post 5 times a month total). The real value I get from Facebook isn't in …

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Trace A Stream

Posted on 12/06/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Twitter

Screenshot of Trace A Stream Website

Today is Throwback Thursday, so I'm going old school and sharing a link the way we used to do it back in the olden days before Facebook and Twitter. Going viral back then meant hundreds or thousands of people independently deciding to write about your blog post on the same …

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Ghosting on Social Media

Posted on 12/05/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Life

Picture of a ghost

Facebook gave me a birthday reminder today for a Facebook friend that I haven't seen online in 2+ years. We were close enough to "real" friends that we made several attempts at getting together in real life for lunch or happy hour, but we never quite got organized enough to …

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The Internet Needs To End

Posted on 09/05/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Twitter

Photo of endoftheinternet.com

I was reading the news online recently and realized something. I've been making an effort to get my news from the local paper via their online edition. By online edition I mean a digital representation of the day's newspaper, not the website. I literally flip through the pages, just like …

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McNamara's Fallacy

Posted on 04/29/2018 in misc • Tagged with Business, Facebook, Twitter

Help Wanted sign

The entire attention economy is based on the idea that "engagement" (whatever that is) has some monetary value. Likes and favorites are worth something, and thus brands are willing to spend big bucks on Twitter and Facebook ads. Well, some brands. Proctor & Gamble is not convinced.

What if the entire …

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The Attention Economy

Posted on 04/29/2018 in misc • Tagged with Business, Facebook, Twitter

Help Wanted sign

The entire attention economy is based on the idea that "engagement" (whatever that is) has some monetary value. Likes and favorites are worth something, and thus brands are willing to spend big bucks on Twitter and Facebook ads. Well, some brands. Proctor & Gamble is not convinced.

What if the entire …

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Is Generation X Bailing on Facebook?

Posted on 03/27/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Privacy

Gen X chart

As I've written previously, I've changed how I use Facebook. It's mostly about Groups and Events for me. I unfollowed everybody except my wife and kids. Now, when I want to check in with my friends I simply go straight to their walls or I use the "New Posts" filter …

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Facebook Was Not Hacked

Posted on 03/20/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Privacy

Crepy Facebook Eye Image

Facebook was not hacked by Cambridge Analytics. Hacking implies that CA broke into their data or otherwise circumvented Facebook somehow to get personal data on 5 million Americans. What actually happened is far, far worse.

The system worked exactly as designed. Facebook is in the data collection and sales business …

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Posted on 03/02/2018 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Books

City Book Cover

I read City by Clifford Simak recently. If you haven't read it, it is a dystopian cold war era novel in which man abandons the cities due to fear of nuclear war. Society breaks down as everybody lives in isolation, population dwindles, and eventually most humans abandons the earth, leaving …

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