## ODonnellWeb – Tag FOSS

RSS Readers on Linux

Posted on 03/21/2023 in misc • Tagged with FOSS, Technology, Linux

You'd think this would be easy

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DrupalCon Portland 2022

Posted on 04/30/2022 in misc • Tagged with Travel, FOSS, Drupal, Technology

The return of in-person DrupalCon

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Five Reasons to Sponsor and Attend Open Source Camps and Conventions

Posted on 08/25/2018 in misc • Tagged with FOSS, Drupal

Photo of Washington Monument at night

At Drupal GovCon this week somebody asked me if sponsoring the event was "worth it." I answered yes enthusiastically, and gave two reasons to support my answer. I've thought about it a little further and expanded that to five reasons more broadly relevant to open source camps and conventions in …

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Open Source Offline Navigation

Posted on 09/08/2015 in misc • Tagged with Cars, FOSS, Travel

Planning my camping trip to GA last week I knew my route would have me outside of T-Mobile data service for a good portion of the trip. So I hit Google to figure out how to use Google Maps in an offline mode.

You can't do that. It's not a …

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OpenShot Video Editor

Posted on 02/15/2014 in misc • Tagged with Internet, FOSS

OPenShot is an easy to use video editor for Linux

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Amazon is bad at open source

Posted on 09/08/2012 in misc • Tagged with Internet, Amazon, FOSS

Amazon doesn't support Linux based browsers

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10 days with Horde

Posted on 09/16/2011 in misc • Tagged with Internet, FOSS, Google

Horde as a primary email web client

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Editing Web Album Templates in gThumb

Posted on 09/11/2011 in misc • Tagged with Internet, FOSS

It's easy to edit the page templates in gThumb

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Ever heard of Gnumeric and AbiWord?

Posted on 02/15/2011 in misc • Tagged with FOSS, Internet

A couple of lightweight alternative spreadsheet and word processor options

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Linux Update

Posted on 02/26/2003 in misc • Tagged with FOSS, Linux

A lot of stuff still isn't working

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First Post!

Posted on 02/22/2003 in misc • Tagged with FOSS, Linux, Blogs

My first post from a Linux box!

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