## ODonnellWeb – Tag Business

Why Is Your Name Upside-Down? Stories From A Life In Advertising by David Oakley

Posted on 10/28/2015 in misc • Tagged with Books, Business


Last weekend I was skimming Twitter and I saw a tweet from David Oakley offering free copies of his book. The tweet was less than a minute old, and I'd had his book on my wish list for a while. I clicked through and the freebies were gone, so I …

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Posted on 05/15/2015 in misc • Tagged with Books, Business, Employment

Remote by Jason Fried

"Long commutes make you fat, stressed, and miserable. Even short commutes stab at your happiness." That’s Remote in a nutshell. It’s part manifesto and part how-to guide for working remotely. I’m sold.

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Posted on 03/24/2015 in misc • Tagged with Business, Economics

Throughout history scarcity has been the defining characteristic of economics, and really of power and control in general. It does power the law of supply and demand, the fundamental tenant of microeconomics, after all. People with information not accessible to others, or governments or groups with access to weapons not …

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The truth about Twitter (for Sales Executives)

Posted on 02/13/2015 in misc • Tagged with Business, Sales, Internet, Twitter

Twitter will not vault you past your sales quota

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Spectacularly bad career advice on LinkedIn

Posted on 02/04/2015 in misc • Tagged with Business, Sales, Employment, LinkedIn

Gordon Gekko was not a positive role model.

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Online job search is broken

Posted on 01/27/2013 in misc • Tagged with Employment, Business, Internet

Somebody should fix online job search.

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Thoughts on car shopping in 2012

Posted on 03/05/2012 in misc • Tagged with Cars, Business

The car shopping is better these days, sort of.

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Flat screen overlords

Posted on 08/04/2010 in misc • Tagged with Technology, Business

I, for one, will not welcome our flat screen overlords

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Prescription pricing shenanigans

Posted on 01/28/2010 in misc • Tagged with Health, Business

This is why we can't have good health care

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Car Shopping in 2006

Posted on 02/19/2006 in misc • Tagged with Cars, Business

Is it possible that car shopping is becoming a more pleasant experience?

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Sales Commissions are not rocket science

Posted on 05/05/2003 in misc • Tagged with Sales, Business

A sales commission plan should not require an engineering degree to understand it.

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American Express Doesn't Get It

Posted on 11/12/2001 in misc • Tagged with Privacy, Business, Internet

American Express is tracking users when they pay a bill online

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