31 Day Blogging Challenge 2018

Posted on 12/01/2018 in misc

31 Day blogging challenge logo

Blame Andrea for this - she tweeted about it and 31 posts in a row might be what it takes for me to hit my 1 post a week goal for the year.

I'm kidding about that, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 blog posts for the year, so I don't need 31 posts. I might need 15 though.

So this is two high-volume goal things I have going on this month. I'm also doing #WorkoutAdvent, which is 25 workouts or runs between the Monday after Thanksgiving and Christmas. Basically I'm doing it to offset my wife's Christmas baking. I'm at 4 workouts so far - so right on pace. #WorkoutAdvent is not an online viral thing, it's just me, as far as I know.

Also, it's December 1 and I'm done with my Christmas shopping, and I didn't buy anything from Amazon. I let my Prime subscription expire this week. Prime enables compulsive purchases and I want more friction between me and buying stuff.

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