Apparently I am a famous Internet mixologist

Posted on 06/03/2020 in misc

Like everybody else, the pandemic is "top of mind" 24 x 7 for me. I'm writing to help myself not internalize all of it. You can find other posts in the series at

I don't have Google analytics or any tracking codes on this site. I have no idea how much traffic ends up here on a daily or weekly basis. However, Google sends me these search result reports every month.

Google Search Report

Who knew my Hurricane recipe was so popular? I just tried to search for it in a private browser window filtered through Duck Duck Go and I'm not in the top 30. So I have no idea how 45 people even found the link in Google, let alone if 45 clicked 450 probably did a search that returned that link.

I do not know.


I like seeing the Axl Rose post up there too, just because so many people disagree with my take there.

Update - my hurricane recipe showed in search results 305 times in June in an average position of 30.8. So basically I'm the top result on page 4. I've heard that people are skipping the first couple of pages on Google to bypass the ads and the SEO optimized crap content. Maybe that is more widespread than I realize and I'm in effect #1 for those people that start on page 4?

Also, that is a 14.5% CTR, which is really good. Is page 4 the new page 1 of Google?

In other news, I think I'm mixing Hurricanes this weekend.

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