Keeping Score

Posted on 08/13/2019 in misc

Baseball scorecard

The last time I kept score at a baseball game was...I have no idea. I was probably less than 10 years old.

I was a Richmond Flying Squirrels game this past weekend, and it was game two of a doubleheader which is only a 7 inning game so I did it. I start keeping score frequently, but I usually get distracted by the 2nd or 3rd inning. I made it to the end this time, with an assist from my wife who kept notes while I made a beer run.

You'll notice I bounced between 2 or 3 different styles as I was trying to find something that worked for me. Nobody will ever accuse me of keeping a neat scorecard though.

In other news, the last time I saw a Richmond professional sports team win a game in person was 2017, when I didn't even live in Richmond. Professional sports was part of the reason we moved. Be nice if they'd win a game I'm attending before I move away.

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