My Uncensored Life In Rock by Sammy Hagar

Posted on 10/21/2015 in misc

Sammy Hagar

Image source - used under a CC BY 2.0 license.

Sammy's life follows the standard trajectory for a rock star. He grew up poor with an abusive parent, barely finished high school, got the lucky break, and rode that break to a life of fame and riches. One thing about Sammy that seems different than most rock stars is that he seems to be more intelligent. He diversified early on, and today makes way more money from his various businesses than he does from music. Although he certainly did his share of drugs the way he presents it they never controlled him, and given the lack of rehab and the fact that he has maintained his career I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that. Some of his stories from the late 60s and early 70s do sound like he is mixing up real memories and acid trips though. The chapters on his time in Van Halen are great. It would be interesting to hear Eddie's version of that time, but if Sammy's account is even half-true it's doubtful that Eddie remembers any of it.

Fun book, and definitely recommended if you are a fan of his music.

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