Virginia Beach 2022

Posted on 08/23/2022 in misc

Trips: 28
Nights: 90

Our third year in a row beach camping at First Landing State park. This year it was combined with a mini high school reunion as a classmate lives at VA Beach and several other couples road tripped for the weekend. This will be a shorter update. What happens at the beach stays at the beach.

We got into town Thursday afternoon and after some afternoon beach time changed in something approaching "beach nice" for our anniversary dinner, one night early. Our actual anniversary was Friday, but we'd be hanging out with my high school friends Friday night, so we dined out for seafood in Thursday night at Hot Tuna, which is an unassuming locals pub with good food. We are not fancy restaurant people. I'll choose the local dive any day.

Not bad for 31 years together

Selfie with Michelle with beach in the background

Friday we started with a hike through the mangrove forest and then spent the first half of the day lounging surf side, meeting up with my friends in the afternoon where we hung out on the beach until the sun went down.

Mangrove Forest

sunset over Chesapeake Bay

The forecast for Saturday was bad. All day rainout bad. I woke up at 6 PM to rain pounding the camper. I looked at the weather app on my phone and saw the storm was mostly offshore, and that we were just catching the western edge that would pass by 9 AM. Sure enough, the all day rainout turned into 80F with breezy blue skies - the perfect beach day. And we spent that day on the beach.

Chesapeake Bay

Spend all day on the beach and party at night with friends. Repeat the next day. Pretty much the recipe for a perfect weekend.

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