Running With Sherman

Posted on 01/15/2021 in misc

book cover

The subtitle of the book is How a Rescue Donkey Inspired a Rag-Tag Gang of Runners to Enter the Craziest race in America.

The craziest race in America is a burro race in Colorado 10,000 feet above sea level where you run alongside your donkey for 15 or 30 miles, depending on which race you enter.

You read that right. You aren't riding the donkey, you are running with it.

The book is fabulous. It starts with our recently moved to Amish county from the big city family rescuing a donkey that is near death after months of being trapped in a stall by an animal hoarder. The poor thing can barely walk and the Vet that examines him isn't sure he'll survive the week. Slowly, Sherman comes back to health, and even more slowly, he becomes a racing donkey. Interlaced through the story of training for the race are stories of Sherman's impact on the family he lives with and a teen fighting depression who starts helping train him. My favorite side quest in the story is two chapters dedicated to explaining the difference between Mennonites and the Amish, and a deep dive on why the Amish do what they do. I found it fascinating. I also learned some stuff about cold water therapy, but I think I'll pass on trying it.

There is a lot in this book for animal lovers, runners, and really anybody that could use an uplifting story. And right now, isn't that all of us?

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