Something resembling normal

Posted on 03/21/2021 in misc

65F and sunny today. We went out before lunch and ran a couple of errands, including entering two retail stores. (My wife is fully vaccinated and I get my first shot on the 24th.)

After lunch we hit Main Street Brewing in Richmond as they had a vendor fair and live music. We grabbed a table outdoors in the sun and hung out for a couple of hours. I had a couple of pints of their Session IPA.

Mainstreet Brewing

A friend coincidentally showed up at the same place.

Around 3 PM a guy with a guitar hit the outdoor stage. That was our first live in-person music since February 2020. We've attended probably 30+ online concerts in the last year.

Mainstreet Brewing

What struck me was how normal everything felt today. Yes, the pandemic is still raging with 50,000+ cases a day in the US, and 21 states have rising case statistics this weekend as the more communicable variants become the dominant strains here. Everybody at the brewery was masked when entering the building or wandering around, and unmasked when sitting around drinking.

This was the first time my wife "went out" in town since early 2020. A couple of errands in the AM then something fun in the afternoon was our normal 13 months ago.

It's becoming our normal again.

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