Labor Day Weekend at First Landing

Posted on 09/08/2021 in misc

Trip: 18
Total Nights: 58

Almost exactly one year to the day since we camped at First Landing State park in Virginia Beach, we did it again.

The timing wasn't the only thing that was similar. This year also featured the remnants of a hurricane headed towards the Mid-Atlantic area. However this year the storm stayed north and the impact on the beach was 3 days of perfect beach weather. It was about 80 and sunny with low humidity every day.

We drove down Thursday evening so I could work from the camper on Friday and we could avoid the Friday of a holiday weekend traffic. It turned out our campsite was a a T-Mobile dead spot so I spent about 6 hours at American Brew instead, a coffee shop with a full bar. I stuck to coffee and smoothies. My wife helped by texting me beach photos while I was in a Zoom meeting. Thanks honey.

I shut down around 3 PM and got a couple of hours of quality beach time in on Friday afternoon. I do think I want to try working away from the house more next year, allowing us to extend our camping trips a bit. So this off-season I need to get up to speed on remote Internet access options for campers. I know there are a lot of options, just need to figure out what will work best for me.

First Landing State Park

Friday night we walked down the beach about a 1/4 mile to meet up with friends at their neighborhood informal beach potluck. Hanging out with good people drinking beer and eating, with your toes in the sand and a nice ocean breeze blowing, is exactly as awesome as you think it is. Walking back was fun as there was no moon so it was really dark. I'm not sure how I would have found the access point back to the campground if there wasn't a wheelchair mat extending out into the sand. At night in the dark all the sand dunes look the same.

First Landing State Park

First Landing State Park

Saturday was a 10/10 beach day. We set up the sun shade, hung out till 1 PM, went back to the camper for lunch, returned to the beach and hung out some more until it was time to meet up with friends for dinner. After dinner we returned to the campsite for some quality campfire time.

First Landing State Park

First Landing State Park

Sunday was all about the beach. We set up around 10:30 AM and didn't leave the beach until about 4 PM. We actually did camping food on Sunday too, grilling burgers at the camper. And then spent some more quality time staring at a campfire.

Monday, sadly, was go home day.

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