I've Been Married For 26 Years

Posted on 08/20/2017 in misc


As has become tradition, I posted an anniversary haiku.

Venus got her temple
Gorbachev got arrested
and I got you babe.

As of this posting, I've got over 60 likes on Facebook, and not one comment on the haiku. I worked in Roman mythology, cold war history, and, Sonny and Cher! This has to be my best effort ever. I'm very disappointed that my genius is not being recognized. (If you don't get it, all those things happened on Aug 19).

If you are counting syllables closely you may count six in the first line. I decided to borrow the concept of morae from traditional Japanese haiku, in which syllables are not a hard and fast rule based on the dictionary, but more based on sound. So a two syllable word that is pronounced without a real emphasis on one specific syllable can pass as a one syllable word for the purposes of the haiku. Thus I give you temple, which I'm counting as one syllable, because I need it to be that way.

Real life got in the way of our normal long weekend away somewhere. This year we made a quick trip back to Leesburg VA for a Smithereens concert. And because I'm old and didn't want to drive two hours home at midnight, we picked up a cheap room on Priceline to spent the night. We started with dinner with a former neighbor from our days living in Leesburg, moved on to a drink at a pub around the corner from the show, and then the concert. The Smithereens were in fine form. They played two hours, including all the hits, a bunch of stuff from their 2011 record that I didn't even know existed, a couple of Beatles tunes, plus they worked Free and The Who into the closing song medley.


On the way out of town Sunday morning we hit Giovanni's for lunch. The pizza is still the best NY pizza south of New York, or maybe Norther Jersey. There is no pizza in its class in Fredericksburg.

On the drive home I hit a major Google Maps fail. It told me the back up to merge onto I-95S at 17 was 4 minutes. It was more like 30. Normally I'd come home through Brandy Station and avoid the 17/95 interchange completely. But we needed to run some errands on the way home and since the back up was only 4 minutes... Next time I ignore Google and just go the way I know is consistent.

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