Dancing Barefoot

Posted on 08/10/2003 in misc

Simply put, Wil's first effort at publishing is a winner. The book is thin, containing 5 stories that didn't make the cut for his still in the works autobiography, Just a Geek. I read it cover to cover on the commute home one day. That not to imply the book is too short. It's more an issue of my commute being too long. When he wrote of crying at the loss of his Aunt, I felt it. Not because I had been through the same thing, but because of the exact opposite. When my Dad died, I bottled it all up inside. In the process, I lost 20 pounds and went months without a decent nights sleep. The stories from behind the scenes at a Star Trek convention are hilarious, and we learn how his idol, Captain James T Kirk, became William Fucking Shatner.

His seemingly universal appeal to geeks is based on the fact that at his core, he is one of us. Often, it's hard to imagine TV stars and athletes as ever being "normal." I have no doubt that had he gone to high school with me, he would have been there at the school on Saturday's playing D&D with us. (Yes, I voluntary met a bunch of fellow geeks and one geek teacher at the school on Saturdays to play Dungeons & Dragons. ) This book could have completely sucked and I would not have been upset about spending $15. I want Wil to make it. After all, he's just a geek.

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