
Posted on 05/27/2013 in misc

Hopefully sometime today between the BBQ and the beer you'll take a second to think about the countless people that died protecting your freedom. We did our remembering this weekend on our feet.

On Saturday, we detoured on our hike back down from the summit of Sharp Top Mountain to visit the crash site of a B-25 that slammed into the mountain on Feb 2, 1943. All five crewman died instantly. Due to the remoteness of the location, a lot of the plane is still there. The plane is barely 1000 feet from the Sharp Top summit trail. In season hundreds of people are passing by with no clue that such a solemn site is so close. That may be for the best. It is not easy to get to, and we don't need another accident on that mountain.

My photos from the crash site.

On the way home Sunday, we stopped at The National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, VA. Per capita, Bedford lost more men on D-Day than any other town in America. The D-Day Memorial is a fitting tribute to all who fought and died on that day.

Photos from The National D-Day Memorial

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