What I'm listening to Summer 24

Posted on 08/11/2024 in misc

I have not been inspired to write lately, as all 3 of you paying attention here may have noticed. So in lieu of anything particularly insightful to say, let's catch up on my music purchases. Yes, purchases. I still buy digital albums. I use streaming for music discovery, but when I find something that I go back to with any regularity, I pony up the $10 to buy a digital copy of the record.

Bywater Call - Shepherd

Bywater Call continues my recent trend of falling for bands not from the south playing southern rock. Bywater Call are from Toronto, but this album is full of feels from Atlanta, Jacksonville, Muscle Shoals, and New Orleans.

Everybody Knows

Karen Jonas - The Rise and Fall of American Kitsch

I'm a longtime Karen Jonas fan and I was there at her very first show in Fredericksburg a dozen or so years ago. I think there we about 5 people in the audience. This record (her 8th if I've got them all) might be the best yet. She has always been a very literate songwriter, but I don't remember her ever weaving an entire album together quite like this. I hesitate to use the term concept album, but it kind of feels like one. The subject matter ranges from pink flamingos to Vegas to Hawaii to consumerism, with many of the tunes having a tropical or Hawaiian vibe layered over her traditional classic country twang. The spoken word piece American Kitsch on the album is also noteworthy. Like all her records, this deserves way more attention than it'll probably get.

Online Shopping

Robert Jon & the Wreck - Red Moon Rising

I've always thought that Robert Jon was the answer to a question that nobody every asked. What if Duane Allman grew up in Orange County, CA? Their new album sits right in that sweet spot of groovy, sometime funky southern rock, with a layer of west coast sensibility. And it's yet another southern rock influenced band from somewhere else, this time California.

The catchiest tune on the record is Help Yourself, but the best is the slow burner Ballad of a Broken Hearted Man. Give it time to build, the payoff is worth it.

The Commoners - Restless

Hey, it's more southern rock from Canada. Seriously, what the hell is going on up north? 2 of the last 4 records I've bought are Canadian bands with strong southern rock vibes.

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