Leftover thoughts from the Purdue trip

Posted on 10/17/2012 in misc

For those of you that don't pay attention on Facebook, Michelle and I drove 12 hours to Indiana on Thursday, and then back again on Sunday.

  • The mountains of West Virginia on I-68 cost me 7 mpg in the Corolla.

  • In dash USB ports are a wonderful thing.

  • There is a certain beauty to a winter dormant farm that I had forgotten about, and sort of miss.

  • Truckers in Indiana need to stay the hell out of the left lane.

  • The restrooms in Pilot truck stops are surprisingly clean.

  • The restaurant in T/A truck stops ain't bad.

  • I had forgotten just how loud college bars can be.

  • Harry's hasn't changed at all. It's the only bar left in West Lafayette from my college days.

  • Homecoming is not what it used to be. The entire campus seemed much more subdued that I remember.

  • Lafayette Brewing Company makes one of the best IPAs that I have ever had. It reminded me of Troegs Nugget Nectar.

  • I miss West Lafayette Indiana beer prices.

Actually, I kind of miss Indiana.

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