How to cook a burger indoors
Posted on 08/26/2018 in misc
Like most right thinking people, I prefer my burgers grilled outdoors over charcoal. However, that is not always possible. I've tried a bunch of different ways of cooking a burger indoors, and the usual result is a less than satisfactory burger and/or the smoke alarm going off, because the vent over my stove is mostly useless.
However, I finally stumbled into a method that results in a tasty, juicy burger without a big mess and without setting off the smoke alarm.
- Preheat oven to 450F with cast iron griddle, ridged side up.
- Once preheated, cook burgers on ridged side of griddle.
- Cook 10 minutes, flip, then cook to finish which may vary depending on the thickness of the burger. It's 15 minutes total for my hand patted 1/3 lb. burgers.
I'm mostly publishing this so I don't forget.