All Of This Has Happened Before And Will Happen Again

Posted on 05/31/2020 in misc

Like everybody else, the pandemic is "top of mind" 24 x 7 for me. I'm writing to help myself not internalize all of it. You can find other posts in the series at

None of this is new. Nat Turner’s Slave Rebellion in 1831 is the first major uprising I remember from history class, although I’m pretty sure there were many others earlier. I’m a privileged white dude safely bunkered down in the suburbs. I don’t have a lot to say. White folks should probably do a lot less talking and a lot more listening right now. Listen to the people being slaughtered by the police. Listen to the people that have been under the thumb of systemic racism for 400+ years.

All Of This Has Happened Before And Will Happen Again.

It’s not just a tagline from Battlestar Galactica, it’s literally the history of America. We keep making the same mistakes over and over again, maybe because the people in power have no real desire to change?

Speaking of BSG, we finished up season 1 tonight (Michelle’s first time, rewatch for Breck and me.) We are streaming via, who is apparently short of advertisers. As Breck said tonight, I’d be okay with the Cylons winning if it means we never have to see this Microsoft Teams commercial again. We are seeing the same commercials every commercial break. So about 6 breaks per show and 13 episodes in season 1, plus the mini-series, is way too many viewings of the same commercial.

In other news, we were car shopping all weekend, and if what I saw was typical, Virginia gave up on masks in public on day 2. Only 1 of the 5 lots we were on during the day Saturday had employees wearing masks. Today when we were back at that dealership where they were taking customer and employee health seriously there was a family with two young daughters (about 5 and 3) in their buying a car. None of them had masks, but both parents were armed. I guess they planned to shoot the virus if it came too close. I overheard the guy talking and he is National Guard. I’d expect better risk assessment abilities from a soldier. They were already there when we arrived at 12:30 PM. He was still dealing with the salesman when I headed to the finance office queue at about 3 PM. He was gone at 3:30. I’m guessing they were unable to buy the car they wanted. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy a moment of schadenfreude.

The car buying process is still completely broken though. I told the salesman I wanted the vehicle at 1:15 PM. We left the dealership at 3:30 PM. I paid cash, we didn’t have any delays working out financing. I was in the finance office barely 10 minutes when I finally got there.

So we now own a 2012 Ford Edge with the tow package. I guess we need something to tow behind it. Stay tuned…

Your music interlude for today is new music from Jimmy Buffett.

Image Credit

ckroberts61 / CC BY

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