Lake Anna State Park

Posted on 05/15/2020 in misc

Like everybody else, the pandemic is "top of mind" 24 x 7 for me. I'm writing to help myself not internalize all of it. You can find other posts in the series at

My day off started with 3 hours of work. Government entities don’t care that their RFP schedules interfere with my life. So I worked most of the morning then after lunch we headed out to Lake Anna State Park. I’ve lived near the park since 2002 and never actually visited before today. I have no idea why as it’s a lovely park. We had a nice walk through the woods along the shoreline, and the park was mostly empty. Even though it’s 44 miles (ca. 71 km) from the house it takes an hour to get there as there is no direct route. It’s all fun 2-lane twisty roads through Central Virginia farm country. Well, as much fun as a 4-cylinder Camry can muster anyway. I had the windows down, the moon roof open, the tunes loud, and my best girl by my side. I’ve had worse days.

Lake Anna State Park

Lake Anna State Park

Lake Anna State Park

Tonight Kevn Kinny is doing a live set online at 8 PM, so I think we are going to hang out with Kevn, work on a new puzzle, and I’ll probably have a couple of beers. The weather forecast shows rain for the next 8 days, so that might be our last outing for a while.

In other music related news, Willie Nile released a new record today.

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