Coronavirus April 5

Posted on 04/05/2020 in misc

Like everybody else, the pandemic is "top of mind" 24 x 7 for me. I'm writing to help myself not internalize all of it. You can find other posts in the series at

Last night I dreamed that there was a Covid-19 test available in July and it turns out we both already had the virus without knowing it and were therefore immune to it. Then I woke up. I’m starting to come to terms with the idea that we will be in some sort of lockdown state well into 2021. There is a deadly virus running amok across the globe and the only people who are immune are those that have already had it, so maybe a few million people across the globe. The rest of us might die if we get it. The government in the US has already shown that they care more about the stock market than they do any of our lives. Are you going to trust them when they claim in June that it’s safe to go back to normal? Are you going to bet your life on trusting Donald Trump?

Today was probably about as nice as a day as is possible in a pandemic. We slept in until about 9 AM, I futzed around on the computer this AM, played a little Out of the Park Baseball, went for a 3-mile walk after lunch while listening to an audiobook, Calypso by David Sedaris. After my walk I read in the sun on the front porch for a little while, played some more OOTP baseball, made an Intermission Brewing run to pick up a growler for the Books & Brews virtual meeting this afternoon. I attended the book club from the deck while enjoying a couple a Brannigan’s Law - their Irish Red Ale.

The weather this upcoming week looks to be amazing, because of course it does.

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