Black Friday on Old Rag

Posted on 11/25/2011 in misc

The kids and myself headed to the mountains this AM for a 8 mile circuit hike of Old Rag. I'm not going to lie to you Marge, it wasn't the easiest hike we've done. Steeply up for the first 3 miles, with lots of rock hopping, actual hand over hand rock climbing, and several leaps of faith across chasms between large boulders. We ended up waiting about an hour in all at various choke points on the trail where you need to do something harder than just walk to continue forward. It was kind of like the backups on Everest, only totally different :)

Still a great day to be out with the kids though.

Update: My left quad disputes the enjoyability of today, and it is punishing me right now. Damn anthropomorphic body parts. Ouch.


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