Important Events on February 21

Posted on 02/21/2018 in misc


  • 362 – Athanasius returns to Alexandria.
  • 1437 – James I of Scotland is assassinated.
  • 1804 – The first self-propelling steam locomotive makes its outing at the Pen-y-Darren Ironworks in Wales.
  • 1842 – John Greenough is granted the first U.S. patent for the sewing machine.
  • 1848 – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto.
  • 1862 – American Civil War: Battle of Valverde is fought near Fort Craig in New Mexico Territory.
  • 1878 – The first telephone directory is issued in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • 1885 – The newly completed Washington Monument is dedicated.
  • 1916 – World War I: In France, the Battle of Verdun begins.
  • 1918 – The last Carolina parakeet dies in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo.
  • 1947 – In New York City, Edwin Land demonstrates the first "instant camera", the Polaroid Land Camera, to a - meeting of the Optical Society of America.
  • 1958 – The CND symbol, aka peace symbol, commissioned by the Direct Action Committee in protest against the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, is designed and completed by Gerald Holtom.
  • 1965 – Malcolm X is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City.
  • 1972 – United States President Richard Nixon visits the People's Republic of China to normalize Sino-American relations.

  • 1987 - I met Michelle

If you are counting at home, that was 11,324 days ago. The meeting didn't seem significant at the time. Of course, it turned out to be the most significant night of my life :)

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